The Instructional Media Center is a central storage area for resources available to teachers and other educational personnel. The IMC has novels, books, teaching resources, math and science manipulatives, big books, leveled readers, picture books and novels on CD and many, many specialized materials for students with particular needs. Items can be borrowed for varying lengths of time and educators may book the resources on line or phone or e mail requests.
IMC Contacts
Contacts: Phone (403) 361-2200
Division Office phone # is (403) 934-5121
Patty MacDonald - Ext. 2067
Christine Brassard - Ext 2066
What materials does the IMC have?
- Videos, DVD’s and books on Audio CD
- Hands-on Kits – math, science, social and language arts manipulatives
- Book Blocks – novel sets, theme book kits, leveled readers, dual language books, graphic novels and classroom library book tubs.
- Big Books – children’s stories
- Special Education Resources – fine motor and gross motor activities, articulation cards, cause and effect toys, building blocks, sensory balls/puzzles/board books, wiggle seats, weighted lap cushions
- Teacher Resources
Online: Learning Commons/Staffroom/GHSD IMC Link (click here to enter learning commons) **password required
Please call or email IMC for your patron ID and your password
Phone: (403) 361-2200
Email: imc@ghsd75.ca.
Tuesday: | Wednesday: | Thursday |